STEM Classroom Renovation at New Providence
Back in 2016, the New Providence Board of Education successfully passed a referendum to put $15.9 million dollars towards improving the district’s science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) programs, as well as increasing enrollment, improving aging infrastructure and improving security.
The referendum proposed a classroom at Salt Brook Elementary and locker rooms at Allen W. Roberts Elementary to be remodeled into specialty STEM classrooms; New Providence High School would have two classrooms converted into STEM rooms, as well as turning an existing wing into a universal science lab; The high school would also add a graphic arts room and an industrial arts room.
Longo Labs worked with Settembrino Architects to get the job done. The products for the project, which were purchased through the ESCNJ Purchasing Contract, include: TEII Tables, Wall Sink Center, ADA Fume Hood, Safety Shower/ Eyewash, to name a few. Below are stock images of these products, along with shop drawings of the project:

TEII Table

Wall Sink

ADA Fume Hood

Safety Shower
Other New Jersey schools to recently renovate their labs with Longo include:
Are you looking to renovate your science lab? Contact Longo Labs today to learn more about our product and service offerings!